Nominations welcome!
Dear Colleagues, Happy new year, and we hope this finds you all well. The Nominations Committee of the ISA Environmental Studies Section invites nominations for a number of Section Offices. There are a…
ESS members wanted for service on ISA committees (beyond our section)
Dear Colleagues: Each year the ISA President-Elect is asked to nominate members to serve on several committees of ISA. Please contact t.paul (at) mcgill.ca for a list of committees that need to be…
ESS Officers for 2015 has been posted
These are the officers for 2015: Chair: Susan Park (2017) International Relations, University of Sydney susan.park@sydney.edu.au  **********  Vice-Chair: Fariborz Zelli (2017) Department of Political Science, Lund University fariborz.zelli@svet.lu.se  Read the…
Officers 2014-2015
Officers 2012-2013  Chair: DG Webster (2015) Environmental Studies Program, Dartmouth College D.G.Webster@Dartmouth.edu  Vice Chair: Susan Park (2015) International Relations, University of Sydney susan.park@sydney.edu.au  Executive Committee (6 member, rolling 2-year terms):…