
Newsletter April 2005

Environmental Studies Section of the International Studies Association, Newsletter – April 2005 – “April Fools Edition”

Editor: David Downie, Columbia University

This Newsletter can also be found at: The next edition will be september 2005. We tend to follow a January, April, September schedule (the Happy New Year, April Fools, and Back to School editions).

Please send publication information, announcements, calls for papers, job announcements, job and address changes, email information, queries, etc. for inclusion in the next newsletter to David Downie, at

Please paste email addresses and websites listed in this newsletter into your email client or browser as they have not been formatted as hyperlinks.





1.1. Section Meeting and Annual Election.

Environmental Studies Section of the ISA.
Minutes of the Business Meeting, 3/4/05.
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii.

The meeting was called to order at 12:30 PM by Section Chair Ronnie Lipschutz. Approximately 50 members were in attendance.

A. Election and Results

Because of the lengthy ballot for section offices, elections were held immediately. Nominations from the floor were requested for all positions. Patricia Kielbach was nominated from the floor to the Nominations Committee. Nominees and election results were as follows:

Chair (two-year term): Ronnie Lipschutz (elected for a second term).

Executive Committee (rolling 2 year terms): Pamela Chasek (elected); Matthew J. Hoffman (elected); Mike Maniates (elected) (Continuing members: Geoffrey Dabelko, Kathryn Hochstetler, Gabriella Kütting).

Nominations Committee (rolling 2 year terms): Wil Burns (elected); Patricia Keilbach (elected) (Continuing members: Sam Barkin, Ken Wilkening)

Sprout Committee (rolling 2 year terms): Hans Bruyninckx (elected); Paul Harris (elected); Don Munton; Susan Park; Philipp Pattberg; Eric Shibuya; Carolyn Stephenson (elected) (Continuing members: Kate O’Neill, Stacy VanDeveer).

B. Reports

The Chair reported on the ISA Governing Council meeting on 3/1/05. He discussed finances, including increased travel and workshop funds, and noted that Blackwell Publishers provides a substantial subvention to the Association that allows it to run a year-to-year surplus. He enumerated the number of paper applicants and acceptances, and the formula for determining how many panels each section received. The Association is, once again, struggling with the problem of too many paper proposals and too few slots for them. The Association is creating two new books awards, as yet unnamed, for the best books in international studies over the past year and past ten years. A new journal on International Political Sociology is to be launched by the Association. Finally, Blackwell has approached the Association with a proposal to create a multi-volume encyclopedia of international studies, but this is being taken under consideration by the ISA Executive Committee and Executive Director Tom Volgy, who will report next year.

Beth DeSombre announced that the ESS received a quota of 28 panels for the Hawaii convention but managed to actually have 40 altogether. Kate O’Neill announced the winner of the 2005 Sprout Award, which went to Benjamin Cashore, Graeme Auld and Deanna Newsom for Governing Through MarketsForest Certification and the Emergence of Non-State Authority (Yale, 2004). Runnersup were Sanjeev Khagram, Dams and Development (Cornell, 2004) and Robyn Eckersley, The Green State (MIT Press, 2004). Kate will be sending out a list of books received by the Sprout Committee. The Chair encouraged people to send nominations to the Committee all during the year so that we can get a good pile.

The Chair announced the winner of the Graduate Student Paper Award (chosen from among three nominees): Steffen Bauer, Research Fellow, Global Governance Project, Free University of Berlin, “Does bureaucracy really matter? The authority of intergovernmental treaty secretariats.” Panel Chairs were strongly encouraged to submit graduate student papers to Ronnie Lipschutz who will send to reviewers.

C. Announcements

The Chair put forward a tentative proposal to make the term of chair and vice-chair simultaneous, and suggested an on-line discussion of this over the next year. Not everyone present thought it a good idea.

Don Munton, the Section representative to International Studies Review, announced that the editor of ISR, Margaret Hermann, is looking for section participation through Forums/Round Tables of several linked papers to be submitted for review and publication.

Michael Maniates reminded the section about the existence of the GEP-ED list. He can be contacted at

Marc Levy announced that the deadline for paper proposals to the next Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Climate Change in Bonn was extended to March 10 (alas, now passed).

Marcus Schaper, the Sections Webmeister, asked for sections members to submit materials about academic programs in environmental studies and science to him for posting on the Section web site.

D. Panel Proposals for 2006

Please contact the individual listed for information. Note that the deadline for paper and panel submissions is, as always, June 1. Proposals should go to Rafael Reuveny, 2006 Program Chair, The call for papers can be found at

The North-South Dimensions of Kyoto (Matt Hoffman,

The North-South Split in Multilateral Environmental Negotiations (Pam Chasek,

The North-South Divide: Vulnerability, Resiliency, and Adaptation to Global Environmental Change (Ravi Srinivas,

International Environmental Policy Issues and American Leadership? (Don Munton,,

Use of GIS Software and Methodology in International Environmental Policy (Peter Rogers,

The Politics of Sacrifice (Michael Maniates,

The Feasibility of Long-Term Policy (Detlef Sprinz,

Regulation of Nanotechnology (Marcus Schaper,

Technology and Environment: Threat and Opportunity (Simon Nicholson,

Overlapping Regimes in the Baltic Sea (Elisabeth Corell,

The Incorporation of New Global Environmental Standards into Eastern European Constitutions (Margaret Shannon,

Multilateral Governance of Global Environmental Problems (Michelle Betsill,

Non-State Governance Schemes in the Environmental and Resource Sectors (Lars Gulbrandsen,

The meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM. We thank ESS Chair, Ronnie D. Lipschutz, for the minutes!

1.2. ESS Officers (Dates indicate when term expires).

Chair: Ronnie Lipschutz (2007): Professor of Politics, Dept. of Politics, 234 Crown College University of California, Santa Cruz.

Vice-chair: Beth De-Sombre (2006)

Executive Committee: Geoffrey Dabelko (2006), Kathryn Hochstetler (2006), Gabriela Kütting (2006), Pamela Chasek (2007), Matthew J. Hoffman (2007), and Mike Maniates (2007).

Nominations Committee: Samuel Barkin (2006), Ken Wilkening (2006), Wil Burns (2007) and Patricia Keilbach (2007).

Sprout Committee: Kate O’Neill (2006), Stacy VanDeveer (2006), Hans Bruyninckx (2007), Richard Paul Harris (2007), Don Munton (2007), Susan Park (2007), Philipp Pattberg (2007), Eric Shibuya (2007), and Carolyn Stephenson.

Section Representative to Global Environmental Politics Board: Paul Steinberg (2006).

1.3. ISA Conferences

International Studies Association, 2006 Annual Convention, March 22-25, 2006, San Diego, California: The pre-registration period is June 1 – November 30, 2005. Paper and panel proposal submission deadline is June 1, 2005:

1.4. Membership and Email List

ESS Members are encouraged to solicit potential members and to check if their colleagues are on the email list. For information on the Section, contact the Chair ( To be added to the list, please contact the Chair or the Newsletter editor (

1.5. ISA Call for Nominations.

The International Studies Association Nominating Committee invites members of the association to nominate officers for the 2007-2008 term, including a president and three vice-presidents, each of whom will serve a one-year term. Criteria for officers are professional distinction and past involvement in and knowledge of ISA. Nominations should contain: (1) a detailed letter that addresses these points and (2) a current vita for the candidate. ISA is committed to diversity in its officers in terms of their theoretical and methodological perspectives, geographical location, gender, and ethnicity. The deadline for nominations is May 1, 2005. Nominations should be sent to: T. Clifton Morgan (Chair, ISA Nominating Committee) Department of Political Science MS-24, Rice University, PO Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251. Phone: 713 348 3373. Fax: 713 348 5273. Electronic submissions (via email attachments) are most preferred, and you may send them to: The other members of the nominating committee are listed below for your information. In an effort to avoid duplication, we request that you send your materials to the chairperson only. Chris Brown, LSE:; Marie Henehan, Colgate:; Kelly Kadera, University of Iowa:; Joyce Kaufman, Whittier:; Barbara Koremenos, UCLA:; Karen Rasler, Indiana:; Stephen Rosow, SUNY-Oswego:; Barbara Walter, UCSD:

1.5. ISA – Award Nominations Requested

Two New Book Awards. ISA has established two new awards to recognize outstanding scholarship. The first is an annual book award, going to the person judged to have produced the best book in IR in the previous year. The second is given to the person who had produced the best book over the last decade in IR. The committee for the annual book award consists of: George Modelski, chair, Washington, James Lebovic, George Washington, and Janice Gross Stein, Toronto. If you have a nomination for the best book in IR over the last year, please send your nomination to the chair of the committee, at The committee for the best book in IR over the last decade consists of Sara McLaughlin Mitchell, chair, Iowa, Christopher Chase-Dunn, UC, Riverside, Douglas Lemke, Penn State, Michael D. Ward, Washington, Elisabeth Prugl,Florida International. If you have a nomination for the best book over the last decade, please send your nomination to the chair, at Please send your nomination(s) as soon as possible, but no later than June 1st, 2005.

The Lawrence S. Finkelstein Award. The International Organization Section of ISA is seeking nominations (including self-nominations) for the Lawrence S. Finkelstein Graduate Student Paper Award. This prize is awarded to the best paper on the subject of international organizations (broadly understood) presented by a graduate student at the 2005 convention in Honolulu. The award includes a $100 cash prize and a travel grant of up to $500 toward the winner’s travel to the 2006 convention in San Diego. All submissions for the award should be sent as an email attachment to Dr. Courtney Smith (, chair of the IO Section, by May 1, 2005.

Alexander George Award. Graduate students are invited to participate in the 2005 Alexander George Graduate Student Paper Competition sponsored by the Foreign Policy Analysis Section of the ISA. There are awards for First place ($250), Second place ($100), and up to 2 Honorable Mentions ($75). Entries for the competition must be papers presented at the ISA in Hawaii in a panel sponsored or co-sponsored by the Foreign Policy Analysis section. To enter the competition, an electronic copy of your completed paper (in Word or PDF format) must be submitted (via email) to Jean Garrison, Chair of the 2005 Alexander George Graduate Student Paper Competition, at no later than May 15, 2005. The Martin O. Heisler Award. The Martin O. Heisler Graduate Student Paper Competition is open to any student enrolled in a graduate degree program (masters or doctoral) at the time of the annual ISA conference. The content of the paper must be related to at least one of the three main focus areas of ENMISA – ethnicity, nationalism and migration. The Grand Prize for 1st place is $300.00. Nominations should be send to the chair of the committee, Alynna Lyon at, by May 15, 2005.

The Dina Zinnes Award. The Dina Zinnes Graduate Student Paper Award is sponsored by the Scientific Study of International Processes Section and honors the best graduate student paper presented at one of the SSIP Section sponsored panels at the Annual Convention. The recipient receives a cash prize in the amount of $100.00. Nominations should be sent to the Award Chair, Suzanne Werner, at (email submissions preferred). The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2005. The Cox Award. Established in 1997, the Robert W. and Jessie Cox Award honors the best graduate student paper of critical inquiry into international relations. The purpose of the prize is to encourage critical study of international political economy, world orders, and civilizations. Papers submitted should relate, broadly, to the main normative principles for which the Coxes stand, including: diffusion of power; democratization; mutual respect for distinct civilizations; concern for the biosphere; and, greater equality among societies, genders, and races. The winner will receive a $150.00 cash prize and a plaque at the awards presentations at the annual ISA conference. Nominations, including six hardcopies of the paper, should be sent to the Chair of the Cox Award Committee, Randolph Persaud, at Submissions should arrive by October 20, 2005.