
Newsletter January 1993

The 1993 ISA Meetings in Acapulco

This year’s ISA meetings will be held in Acapulco, Mexico, March 23-27. The Environmental Studies Section (ESS) is sponsoring 15 panels coordinated by ESS chair Barbara Jancar-Webster, which is again a new record for the section and an indication of the increasing prominence of international and global environmental issues.

The titles of the panels and dates are indicated below. The com- plete convention program has been circulated to all ISA members in the December 1992 issue of the International Studies Newslet- ter.

-Practitioners’ Roundtable (Wed A19)

-Governing the Commons (Wed B18)

-Environmental Security (Wed D19)

-Social and Environmental Learning (Wed E19)

-Domestic Factors of International Environmental Regulation (Thurs A19)

-Free Trade and the Environment (Thurs B19)

-Problems in Environmental Management (Thurs D19)

-Feminism, Ecology and Development (Thurs E19)

-Environment and Development (Fri A19)

-Evaluating the Rio Earth Summit: NGOs and the UNCED Process (Fri B14)

-Enterprises of the Americas (Fri B19)

-Frameworks for Analyzing the Effectiveness of Environmental Regimes (Fri D19)

-Methodological Issues in the Analysis of Global Environmental Problems (Fri E19)

-Nuclear Issues and the Global Environment (Sat A19)

-Strategies of Inquiry in International Environmental Policy (Sat D17)

-Collective Learning and Its relationship to Economic Policy and Managing Global Environmental Risk (Sat E3)

The ESS Business Meeting will be held on Friday, 12:20-1:20 PM. All members of the section are encouraged to attend.

Nominations of books or articles for the Harold and Margaret Sprout Award should be submitted AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to Leonard P. Hirsch, Sprout Award Committee Chair, Office of Inter- national Relations, Q-3123 MRC 705, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560; phone (202) 357-4788; fax (202) 786-2557. The Sprout Award recognizes the best book or article published in the previous two years that makes a significant contribution to the study of international environmental policy or policy issues, either with an international or comparative perspective.

Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme

Robert Balstad Miller and Harold K. Jacobson have written a report entitled “Research on the Human Components of Global Change: New Steps” (23pp), which was published as Discussion Paper #1 by the HDGEC Secretariat, Pomaret, 21, 08017 Barcelona, Spain; tel (34-3) 417 93 40; fax (34-3) 417 93 09.

Research Centers

The Center for International Climate and Energy Research – Oslo (CICERO) was established in April 1990 by the Norwegian Government as a foundation of the University of Oslo. CICERO has two basic aims: (1) to develop basic knowledge required to initiate national and international policies on climate and (2) to keep the country’s politicians, public authorities, industry, educational institutions, media and public opinion, and the international community informed about developing trends with regard to international policies on climate. CICERO is currently concentrating on three projects: (1) cost-effective energy policy, (2) international institutions and processes of negotia- tion, and (3) modelling anthropogenic changes in the atmosphere as a basis for decision making. To receive information on the Center and its publications, contact Kjell Arne Hagen, Assistant Director, CICERO, P. O. Box 1066 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway; tel 47 2 854286; fax 47 2 856284.


Down to Earth is a fortnightly journal on science and technology published in India by the Society for Environmental Communica- tion. Topics covered include science, technology, energy, health, urbanization, forestry, agriculture, environment, and sustainable development. For information on subscriptions write to The Marketing Manager, Down to Earth, F-6, Kailash Colony, New Delhi 100 048.

Ecological Economics is a journal that extends the scope of con- ventional ecology and conventional economics and investigates the relationship between ecosystems and economic systems in the broadest possible terms. It is published for members of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), which holds biannual conferences, the next one being scheduled for San Jose, Costa Rica, in the Fall of 1994. For information, write to the ISEE, P. O. Box 1589, Solomons, Maryland 20688.

The Journal of Environment and Development is a semiannual publication first published in fall 1992, which concentrates on how governmental policies, private businesses, multilaterals, and NGOs affect the environments and economies of developing countries. Published by The Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093. Subscrip- tions $25 individuals, $50 institutions.

Environmental Politics is a quarterly journal first published in 1992 which focuses on environmental movements and parties, environmental policy-making and implementation, and policy ideas concentrating on the industrialized countries. Published by Frank Case/ISBS, 5602 N. E. Hassalo Street, Portland Oregon, 97213; tel 800 547-7734. Subscriptions $50 individuals, $105 institutions.


The organization Resources for the Future (RFF) sponsors two programs:

(1) The RFF Small Grants Program provides several grants annually of up to $30,000 for research on issues related to the environment, natural resources, or energy. For the 1993-94 awards, RFF is especially interested in (1) the theoretic and philosophical foundations underpinning benefit-cost analysis, (2) the valuation of environmental externalities and the incorpora- tion of these values in public policy making, (3) the two-way relationship between economic growth and environmental quality, and (4) the pros and cons of using quantitative risk assessment to set national environmental regulatory priorities.

(2) The Gilbert F. White Postdoctoral Fellowship Program provides two awards to enable the recipient to devote a year to scholarly work on social science or public programs in areas of natural resources, energy, and or the environment. Awards are for nine or twelve months. The stipend depends upon academic salary. Fellows reside at an RFF research division.

For further information on these RFF programs, write to Chris Mendes, Resources for the Future, 1616 P Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-1400. Applications must be received by March 1, 1993.

Course Syllabi

Geoffrey Wandesforde-Smith transmitted syllabi for two courses he taught at the University of California, Davis, during the fall semester 1992. The titles are An Introduction to Environmental Studies and Environmental Politics and Administration. Both courses make extensive use of computers and on-line networks. For further information, write to Wandesforde-Smith, Department of Political Science, University of California, Davis, California 95616; E-Mail

Text Possibilities

For many years, it was difficult to assemble a suitable reading list for courses in international environmental politics. Hap- pily, the situation has changed dramatically in recent years. The following are several books published since 1990 that have come to the attention of the newsletter editor. All are available in reasonably priced paperback editions. Readers are encouraged to submit other suggestions for future newsletters.

Lynton K. Caldwell, International Environmental Policy: Emergence and Dimensions. Second Edition, Duke University Press, 1990, 460 pp.,

A winner of the Sprout Award (first edition) which presents a detailed, scholarly overview of the evolution of the environment as an issue before international institutions as well as the myriad international organizations and agreements that address a wide range of environmental problems. Most suitable for graduate courses, but could be used in advanced undergraduate courses.

Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, and J rgen Randers, Beyond the Limits. Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 1992, 300 pp.

A sequel to The Limits to Growth which had a major impact during the early 1970s, but also stirred up considerable controversy. It is a very readable assessment of humanity’s tendency to over- shoot the resource base of the planet with updated projections based on the World3 computer simulation model developed for the earlier study. The authors have effectively refined their analysis and forecasts to reflect historical developments over the past twenty years and greater knowledge of natural resources and human processes. Suitable for advanced undergraduate or graduate students.

Andrew Hurrell and Benedict Kingsbury, eds. The International Politics of the Environment. Clarendon Press, 1992, 492 pp.,

An excellent collection of 16 articles that describe and assess the international organizations and international laws that address global environmental problems. Several articles examine the evolution of global environmental governance generally; others are case studies that focus on specific institutions or problems, such climate change or deforestation. Most suitable for the graduate level.

William Ophuls and A. Stephen Boyan Jr., Ecology and the Politics of Scarcity Revisited: The Unraveling of the American Dream. W. H. Freeman and Co., 1992, 379 pp., $14.95.

A thorough revision of Ophuls 1977 classic that again takes a Hobbesian perspective on the deepening environmental predicament faced by humanity. It presents a thought-provoking analysis of why our contemporary political institutions, which evolved during periods of relative resource abundance, are ill-suited to an era of increasingly acute scarcity. Could be used in either graduate or undergraduate courses, especially those that have an emphasis on political theory.

Al Gore, Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992, 407 pp.

Not the run-of-the-mill pablum typical of ghost written books of prominent politicians. It’s worth reading! This is a thoughtful and gracefully written book that presents fascinating observa- tions about ecological history and probes deeply into the socie- tal roots of the contemporary environmental crisis. Gore proposes a Global Marshall Plan that would mobilize an interna- tional commitment to address the environmental problematique on the scale of the original Marshall Plan that addressed the chal- lenge of communism. Both undergraduate and graduate students will find this book interesting and thought-provoking.

Caroline Thomas, The Environment in International Relations. Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1992, 291 pp.

An up-to-date survey of contemporary international environmental problems and efforts underway to address them. Separate chapters explore the relationship between the environment and issues on international political, economic, and security agendas. Global warming, ozone depletion, and deforestation are also the subjects of case studies. Could be used at either undergraduate or graduate levels.

Richard Elliot Benedick, Ozone Diplomacy: New Directions in Safeguarding the Planet. Harvard University Press, 1991. 300 pp., $10.95.

A historical overview of the evolution of the issue of ozone depletion and the negotiations on agreements that provide for a phasing out of the chemicals responsible for the problem. Writ- ten by the Chief U.S. negotiator, it provides excellent insights into how environmental agreements are negotiated and the lessons that were learned from the remarkably successful talks on addressing the ozone depletion problem. Suitable for graduate and undergraduate courses.

Gareth Porter and Janet Welsh Brown, Global Environmental Politics. Westview Press, 1991,
208 pp..

A basic introductory text that offers limited treatment of evolu- tion of international environmental cooperation. It surveys the actors and the regimes that address a variety of environmental issues; discusses issues related to international security, North-South relations, and international trade; and identifies three future directions that might be taken. Suitable for a basic introductory course.

Recent Publications

Anderson, Terry and Donald L. Leal. Free Market Environ- mentalism. Pacific Research Institute,
192 pp., 1991, $16.95.

Angell, David J. R., Justyn D. Comer, and Matthew L. N. Wilkinson (eds.). Sustaining Earth: Response to International Threats. NY St Martins, 1991,
226 pp.

Barbier, Edward, et al. Elephants, Ivory and Economics. Earthscan, 192 pp., 1990, $10.95 (pounds).

Barrett, Brendan F. D. and Riki Theirivel. Environmental Policy and Impact Assessment in Japan. New York: Routledge, 1991, 256 pp., $107.00.

Bennett, Graham. Dilemmas. World Wide Fund for Nature, 1992, 288 pages, 9.95 (pounds).

Bennett, Olivia (ed.). Greenwar: Environment and Conflict. Panos Institute, London, 156 pp., 1991.

Boardman, Robert (ed.). Canadian Environmental Policy. Oxford University Press, 335 pp., 1992, $24.80.

Boyer, Mark A. International Cooperation and Public Goods. Johns Hopkins University Press,
208 pp., 1992, $26.40.

Bromley, Daniel W. (ed.). Making the Commons Work. ICS Press, 339 pp., 1992, $14.95.

Brown, Lester R., Christopher Flavin and Hal Kane. Vital Signs 1992. Worldwatch Publications, $10.95.

Brown, Lester R., et al. State of the World 1993. Worldwatch Institute, 250 pp., 1993, $10.95.

Bryner, Gary C. Blue Skies, Green Politics – The Clean Air Act of 1990. CQ Press, 200 pp., 1992, $18.95.

Bryner, Gary C. (ed.). Global Warming and the Challenge of International Cooperation: An Interdisciplinary Assessment. David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, 1992, 160 pp., $15.00.

Cairncross, Frances. Costing the Earth. Harvard Business School Press, 341 pp., 1992, $24.95.

Carley, Michael and Ian Christie. Managing Sustainable Develop- ment. Earthscan, 1992, 12.95 (pounds).

Churchill, R., and D. Freeestone. International Law and Global Climate Change. Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 1991.

Cline, Willam R. The Economics of Global Warming. Institute for International Economics, 350 pp., 1992, $20.00.

Cline, William R. Global Warming: The Benefits of Emission Abatement. OECD Publications, 72 pp., 1992, $15.00.

Cline, Willam R. Global Warming The Economic Stakes. Institute for International Economics,
103 pp., 1992, $12.00.

Coker, Annabel and Cathy Richards. Valuing the Environment Economic Approaches to Environmental Evaluation. CRC Press, 192 pp., 1992, $59.95.

Commission on Developing Countries and Global Change. For Earth’s Sake: A Report. Canada: IDRC, 1992, $14.95.

Cooper, David E. and Joy A. Palmer (eds.). The Environment in Question. New York: Routledge, 1992, 272 pp., $16.95.

Costanza, Robert (ed.). Ecological Economics. Columbia University Press, 525 pp., 1991, $18.50.

El-Kholy, O. A., et al. The World Environment 1972-1992. Chap- man & Hall, 608 pp., 1992, $39.95.

Elsom, Derek M. Atmospheric Pollution-A Global Problem. Second Edition. Blackwell Publishers, 420 pp., 1992, $14.00 (pounds).

Erocal, Denizhan (ed.). Environmental Management in Developing Countries. OECD Development Publications, 417 pp., 1991, $52.00.

Frederick, Kenneth D. and Roger A. Sedjo. Historical Trends and Current Challenges. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, 296 pp., 1991.

Goodland, Robert, Herman Daly, and Salah El Sarafy. Population, Technology, and Lifestyle: The Transition to Sustainability. Island Press, 140 pp., 1992, $19.00.

Goodman, Dabid and Michael Redclift. Environment and Development in Latin America. St. Martin’s Press, 244 pp., 1991, $19.95.

Gosovic, Branislav. The Quest for World Environmental Coopera- tion. New York: Routledge, 1992, 368 pp., $59.95.

Graham, John D. (ed.). Harnessing Science for Environmental Regulations. Praeger Publishers,
256 pp., 1991, $42.95.

Greve, Michael S. and Fred L. Smith (eds.). Environmental Politics. Praeger Publishers, 224 pp., 1992, $19.95.

Grubb, Michael, et al. Energy Policies and the Greenhouse Effect. Volume Two: Country Studies and Technical Options. Dartmouth Publisher,
450 pp., 1991, $64.95.

Hall, Ross Hulme. Health and the Global Environment. Polity Press, Oxford, England, 214 pp., 1990, $44.95.

Hardoy, Jorge E., Diana Mitlin and David Satterwaite. The Environmental Problems of Third World Cities. Earthscan, 160 pp., 1992, $11.95 (pounds).

Hart, John. Saving Cities, Saving Money: Environmental Strategies That Work. Resource Renewal Institute, 117 pp., 1992, $15.95.

Hayes, Peter and Kirk Smith (eds.). The Global Greenhouse Regime. Earthscan, 1992, 256 pp., 17.95 (pounds).

Holmberg, Johan (ed.). Policies for a Small Planet. Interna- tional Institute for Environment and Development, 1992, 352 pp., 14.95 (pounds).

Hurrell, Andrew and Benedict Kingsbury (eds.). The International Politics of the Environment, Actors, Interests, and Institutions. Oxford University Press, 512 pp., 1992, $15.96.

Johnston, R. J. (ed.). Environmental Problems: Nature, Economy, and State. Belhaven Press (CRC Press), 256 pp., 1989, $29.95.

Jones, Tom and Soren Wibe (eds.). Forests. OECD, 1992, 256 pp., 14.95 (pounds).

Jonesburg, Harry. The Waste Streams of Ignorance. Les Livres, Inc., 1992, 200 pp., $16.95.

Kemp, D. D. Global Environmental Issues: A Climatological Approach. New York: Routledge, Chapman & Hall, 220 pp., 1990, $15.95.

King, Alexander and Bertrand Schneider. Club of Rome Report: The First Global Revolution. Council of the Club of Rome, 1991.

Krause, Florintin et al. Energy Policy in the Greenhouse. New York: Wiley, 328 pp., 1991, $210.

MacNeill, Jim. Beyond Interdependence, The Meshing of the World’s Economy and the Earth’s Ecology. Institute for Research on Public Policy in Ottawa, 192 pp., 1991, $8.95.

Manne, Alan and Richard Richels. Buying Greenhouse Insurance: The Economic Costs of CO2 Emission Limits. MIT Press, 1992, $25.00.

Merchant, Carolyn. Radical Ecology. Routledge, New York, 288 pp., 1992, $14.95.

Munoz, Heraldo (ed.). Environment and Diplomacy in the Americas. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 149 pp., 1992, $9.95.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The State of the Environment. Third Edition. 1991, 297 pp., $38.00.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Conven- tion on Climate Change: Economic Aspects of Negotiations. 100 pp., 1992, $23.00.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Respond- ing to Climate Change: Selected Economic Issues. 150 pp., 1991, $36.00.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Global Energy: The Changing Outlook. 1992, 203 pp., $40.00.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Conven- tion on Climate Change: Economic Aspects of Negotiations. 1992, 100 pp., $23.00.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Environ- mental Management in Developing Countries. 417 pp., 1991, $52.00.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Environ- mental Policy: How to Apply Economic Instruments. 1991, 130 pp., $28.00.

Peters, Robert L. and Thomas E. Lovejoy (eds.). Global Warming and Biological Diversity. Yale University Press, 448 pp., 1992, $36.00.

Pimentel, David and Hugh Lehman. The Pesticide Question. Chap- man & Hall, New York, 448 pp., 1992, $45.00

Porritt, Jonathon and Dorling Kindersley. Save the Earth. London, 1991, 208 pp., 14.99 (pounds).

Ramphal, Shridath. Our Country, The Planet. Island Press, 330 pp., 1992, $15.00.

Rifkin, Jeremy. Biosphere Politics. Harper Collins, 1991.

Scarce, Rik. Eco-Warriors. Understanding the Radical Environ- mental Movement. Noble Press, 1990, $6.47.

Schmidheiny, Stephan. Changing Course: A Global Business Per- spective on Development and the Environment. MIT Press, 350 pp., 1992, $16.95.

Shiva, Vandana. Ecology and the Politics of Survival. Conflicts Over Natural Resources in India. Saga Publications, Inc., 369 pp., 1991, $32.00.

Sigma Xi. Global Change and the Human Prospect: Issues in Population, Science Technology and Equity. Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, 294 pp., November 16-18, 1991, $18.50.

Smillie, Ian. Mastering the Machine: Poverty, Aid and Technol- ogy. Westview Press, 268 pp., 1991, $12.95.

Smith, Katie and Tetsunao Yamamori (eds.). Growing Our Future Food Security and the Environment. Food for the Hungry Interna- tional, 1992, 224 pp., $19.95.

Smith, Gregory A. Education and the Environment. State University of New York Press, 185 pp., $12.95.

Stokke, Olav and Frank Cass (eds.). Sustainable Development. Frank Cass, 1992, $30.00.

Thomas David S. G. and Nicholas J. Middleton. World Atlas of Desertification. Edward Arnold,
96 pp., 1992, $149.50.

Thompson, Peter and John Wiley (eds.). Global Warming: The Debate. Chichester, 1991, 130 pp.

Thukral, Enakshi Ganguly (ed.). Big Dams, Displaced People. Saga Publications, Inc., 199 pp., 1992, $22.95.

Tolba, M. K. Saving Our Plant. Chapman & Hall, 296 pp., 1992, $25.00.

Trzyna, Thaddeus (ed.). World Directory of Environmental Organizations. Fourth Edition. California Institute of Public Affairs, the Sierra Club, and the International Union for Con- servation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), 1992.

Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the World Wide Fund for Nature. Caring for the Earth. Island Press, 200 pp., 1992, $19.95.

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. The Earth Summitt and Agenda 21. Rio de Janeiro-1992. United Nations Publications, New York, 1992, draft, $75.00.

Weeramantry, Christopher. Nauru, Environmental Damage under International Trusteeship. Oxford University Press, 416 pp., 1992, $57.60.

Westing, Arthur H. Hidden Dangers. Sierra Club Books, 246 pp., 1990, $19.00.

Winpenny, James T. (ed.). Development Research: The Environmen- tal Challenge. Westview Press,
228 pp., 1992, $15.95.

World Resources Institute. World Resources
1992-93, A Guide to the Global Environment. Washington DC, 400 pp., 1992, $19.95.

World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Global Biodiversity. Chapman & Hall, 624 pp., 1992, $59.95.

Yearley, Steven. The Green Case. Unwin Hyman Academic, 1991, 192 pp., $16.95.