
Newsletter April 1995


The annual business meeting of ESS was held on February 24, 1995 at the ISA convention in Chicago with section chair Barbara Jancar-Webster (SUNY-Brockport) presiding. Thirty section mem- bers were present.

Philippe Le Prestre (University of Quebec at Montreal) was elected to a two-year term as ESS chair, replacing Barbara Jancar-Webster, who has served two terms.

Newly elected members of the Executive Committee, whose terms expire in 1997, are:

Marian Miller (University of Akron)
Ron Mitchell (University of Oregon)
Paul Wapner (American University)

Carry-over members, whose terms expire in 1996 are:

Marc Levy (Princeton University)
Dimitris Stevis (Colorado State University)
Catherine Tinker (University of South Dakota)

The elected members of the Nominating Committee for 1996 are

Karen Litfin (University of Washington)
Catherine Tinker
Veronica Ward (Utah State University)

Newly elected members of the Sprout Award Committee are

Barbara Jancar-Webster
Ronnie Lipschutz (University of California
at Santa Cruz)

The carry over members of the Sprout Award Committee, whose terms end in 1996, are:

Vicki Golich (University of California
at San Marcos)
Michael Maniates (Allegheny College)
Dimitris Stevis

A decision was made to raise the annual dues for ESS member- ship to $5.00. The program of travel grants for junior members will continue, but with a smaller number of grants given for the 1996 convention in view of the Section’s limited funds.


Nominations for next year’s Sprout Award should be directed to the chair of the Sprout Award Committee:

Dimitris Stevis
Department of Political Science
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO 80523
Phone: 303-491-5156
Fax: 303-491-6441

They should be received no later than
February 1, 1996.
awards was discussed and adopted. The section chair will appoint a committee to screen the applications and decide upon the recipients.

The Sprout Award Committee for 1995 was chaired by Philippe Le Prestre and in addition to the carry-over members listed above included Hans (Colorado State University). The Committee reviewed thirty-three books from twenty-one publishers.

In its evaluation, the Committee relied on the criteria adopted by the Environmental Studies Section in 1992:

1- Rigorous research (not necessarily in the quantitative sense,
of course)
2- Contribution to theory building
3- Policy Relevance
4- Contribution to the field of environmental politics and policy
5- Interdisciplinary aspects
6- Analytical strength
7- Accessibility

The winner of the 1995 Sprout Award is ESS member Ronald Mitchell for his book Intentional Oil Pollution at Sea: Environmental Policy and Treaty Compliance. Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, 1994, 361 pp. $34.95 cloth. Congratulations, Ron!

Mitchell’s book is a model case study of the impact of interna- tional environmental agreements on national behavior. Through a rigorous and systematic empirical analysis of treaties governing oil discharge at sea, Mitchell carefully argues that treaties do matter and identifies the conditions which promote compliance with international norms. This study could serve as a model for other implementation analyses and encourage students to tackle systematically issue areas with a long record.

The committee also selected a runner-up work written by ESS mem- ber Karen Litfin entitled Ozone Discourses: Science and Politics in Global Environmental Cooperation. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994, 277 pp. Congratulations, Karen!

Litfin’s book addresses the important relationship between science and politics based on a best-case approach that demonstrates the importance of politics in policy formation. It provides important arguments against the dominant institutionalist approaches and illuminates the relationship between knowledge and power in contemporary environmental politics in ways that fruitfully depart from epistemic hypotheses.


This list may not be complete. Please let the editor know if you are aware of any omissions. It should be noted that there were a number of years when no award was made, either because a committee was not organized or no worthy works were identified.

1977: Amory Lovins, “Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken,” Foreign Affairs, October 1976.

1981: Kenneth Dahlberg, Beyond the Green Revolution, Plenum, 1979.

1981: R. Michael McGonigle and Mark Zacher, Pollution, Politics, and International Law: Tankers at Sea, University of California Press, 1979.

1985: Lynton Caldwell, International Environmental Policy: Emergence and Dimensions, Duke University Press.

1986: James K. Sebenius, Negotiating the Law of the Sea: Les- sons in the Art and Science of Reaching Agreement. Harvard University Press, 1984.

1989: Barbara Jancar, Environmental Management in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia: Structure and Regulation in Federal Com- munist States (Duke University Press, 1987.

1990: H. Jeffrey Leonard, Pollution and the Struggle for the World Product: Multinational Corporations, Environment, and International Comparative Advantage. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

1991: World Resources Institute, World Resources 1990-91, Oxford University Press, 1990.

1992: Elinor Ostrom, Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, Cambridge University Press, 1990.

1993: William R. Cline, The Economics of Global Warming, Institute for International Economics, 1992.

1994: Oran Young and Gail Osherenko, eds., Polar Politics: Creating International Environmental Regimes, Cornell University Press, 1994,

1994: Jon Van Dyke, Durwood Zaelke, and Hewison Grant, eds. Freedom for the Seas in the 21st Century: Ocean Governance and Environ- mental Harmony, Island Press, 1993.

1995: Ronald Mitchell, Intentional Oil Pollution at Sea:

(Note books by Ronald Mitchell and Karen Litfin in the Sprout Award section of this issue, and by Oran Young in the Possible Texts section.)

Harris, Paul G., “Global Equity and Sustainable Development,” Peace Review, Vol. 6, No. 3, Fall 1994, pp. 267-273.

Mirovitskaya, Natalia and Marvin S. Soroos, “Socialism and the Tragedy of the Commons: Reflections on Environmental Practice in the Soviet Union and Russia,” Journal of Environment and Develop- ment, Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter, 1995, pp. 77-109.


Previous issues of the ESS Newsletter have listed a number of books that might be considered for the reading lists of courses on international environmental politics and policy. Here are a few more possibilities.

Oran Young, International Governance: Protecting the Environment in a Stateless Society. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1994, 221 pp., $13.95 paper, $32.50 cloth.

This book is an integrated compilation of recent writings of Oran Young, a former chair of ESS, on the subject of international environmental regimes. Young refers to “governance” as the social function of managing interdependent individuals or groups, as opposed to “government, which implies formal organizations that make and enforce rules. Among the topics covered are bargaining, structural power, criteria of regime effectiveness, international organizations and legal regimes, climate change, and the Arctic. (advanced undergraduate or graduate).

Rodney White, North, South, and the Environmental Crisis. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993, 214pp., $17.95 paper.
This book provides a general overview of global and international environmental problems, with chapter length coverage of global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain, the oceans, land for food and energy, water supply, urbanization, and waste management. Each chapter highlights some of the specific ways these problems impact differently on the countries of the North and South, but not in as much depth as implied by the title. (undergraduate)

Lester Brown et al, The State of the World 1995. New York: W. W. Norton, 1995, 255 pp. $11.95 paper.

This collection of articles by staffers of the Worldwatch Institute is similar to previous volumes in this annual series. This year’s articles cover the topics of ocean fisheries, mountain peoples, the sun and wind, a sustainable materials economy, buildings, China’s environment, emigration, and budget- ing for disarmament. (undergraduate

Lester Brown and Hal Kane, Full House: Reassessing the Earth’s Population Carrying Capacity. New York: W W. Norton, 261 pp., $8.95 paper.

As with other Worldwatch books, this volume presents a neo- Malthusian perspective on global population growth and the resource constraints of the planet, in particular as they may limit food production. The message is much the same as in previous works by Brown, but the facts and figures are recent. (undergraduate)

Christopher Flavin and Nicholas Lenssen, Power Surge: Guide to the Coming Energy Revolution. New York: W.W. Norton, 1994, 382 pp., $10.95 paper.

This Worldwatch book foresees a basic transformation in the world energy economy away from environmentally damaging fossil fuels toward a variety of new energy sources and highly efficient tech- nologies. A turbulent next decade is foreseen as those with a stake in traditional energy sources fight a losing battle over government policies with newer firms and the environmental move- ment, which seek to open up energy markets to new technologies. (undergraduate)


Kenneth Dahlberg (Western Michigan University)
Marvin Soroos (North Carolina State University),
Carolyn Stephenson (University of Hawaii), 1985-1989
Oran Young (Dartmouth College), 1989-1991
Barbara Jancar-Webster (SUNY-Brockport), 1991-1995
Philippe Le Prestre, University of Quebec at Montreal, 1995-

Please send me any information that you think might be of inter- est to the ESS membership, including citations for your publica- tions as they come out. Items you would like to circulate quickly can be transmitted promply via the ESS Electronic Newsletter. If you would like to be added to the list file for the Electronic Newsletter, send a request by E-mail to .
Environmental Policy and Treaty Compliance, MIT Press, 1994.

(from the ESS Electronic Newsletter)

The 1996 International Studies Association meetings will be held in San Diego, California, April 16-20, 1996. Please think about forming a panel, presenting a paper, and/or serving as chairper- son or discussant for an ESS-sponsored panel.

Submission Procedures and Rules

Send all paper and panel proposals for ESS sponsorship to the section’s new chair:

Professor Philippe Le Prestre
Departement de science politique
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
C.P. 8888, Succ. centre-ville
Montreal (Qc) CANADA H3C 3P8
Telephone: 514/987-7909
Fax.: 514-987-4749

Proposals may be sent by regular mail, fax, or E-mail. Ack- nowledgement of receipt will be by E-mail, where possible, in order to reduce mailing costs. Thus, please enclose your full E- mail address. A form is included at the end for your con- venience.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF ALL SUBMISSIONS, INCLUDING PANELS, ROUND TABLES, AND PAPERS, IS JUNE 15, 1995. The section is limited in the number of panels it is permitted to sponsor and in recent years they have filled up quickly. Priority will be given to proposals received prior to the deadline. Late proposals will be included only if they are needed to round out a panel.

The ESS chair will look most favorably on proposals for complete panels or round tables. Panel proposals should include three or four paper presenters, a chair, and a discussant. Round table proposals should include a chair and three or four additional discussants. In either case, include full mailing addresses (with E-mail addresses when available) for all participants; a session abstract; and abstracts for individual papers, if it is a panel. Prior to submitting the panel or round table, the proposer should check with all of the proposed participants to confirm their commitment to attend the ISA conference in San Diego and participate on the panel. It is also important to indi- cate which, if any, of the panelists are not ISA members, so that they will receive information about preregistering for the con- ference. NO PANEL WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL OF THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY THE CHAIR.

You may also submit a proposal to present a paper, which must include a title and abstract along with full address. An effort will be made to place it on a suitable panel.

Keep in mind that the ISA rules permit each individual to participate on no more than two panels at next year’s conference, regardless of role. If you are proposing a panel or round table, make sure the participants are not committed to more than one other panel.

PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR PANEL/PAPER PROPOSALS TO MORE THAN ONE SECTION AND/OR THE CONVENTION CO-CHAIRS. Last year several faculty did multiple submissions of the same proposal. This caused enormous confusion and disarray when two sections accepted the same proposal; whole panels had to be reconstructed as a result of these actions. Thus, the ISA Governing Council decided to prohibit “double submissions” to the 1996 ISA Convention.

If you have questions about whether your paper/panel is appropriate for ESS sponsorship, consult with Professor Le Prestre. If your proposed panel may be of interest to other ISA sections, HE will consult with the chairs of these sections about the possibility of joint sponsorship.

If you have a proposal that is not in the realm of environmental affairs, please send it directly to one of the ISA Program Co- Chairs, David Lake or Stephen Haggard.

Professor Stephen Haggard
The Graduate School of International Relations
and Pacific Studies
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093-0519
Telephone: 619 534 5781

Professor David Lake
Research Director
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California 92693-0518
Telephone: 619 534 0347

General Considerations

The ISA program co-chairs have placed an emphasis on panel proposals that combine faculty from different countries, dis- ciplines, and ranks. The ESS is particularly eager to offer mul- tidisciplinary panels (see below). Special efforts should be made to include papers by advanced graduate students, i.e., those in their last year of work on their doctorate. Proposals where all faculty are from the same university are discouraged; those submitting such proposals should offer a compelling abstract to justify acceptance.

Suggested Topics for ESS Panels

Panels and papers are encouraged on the following topics, although proposals on other subjects are welcomed and will be fully considered for inclusion in the program.

Conference Theme Panels

The overall theme for the ISA conference next year is “The Future of International Relations Theory.” Thus, panels on the follow- ing subjects would be especially appropriate.

(1) the contributions of the field of environmental studies to international relations theory in general.

(2) the most fruitful theoretical approaches to studying specific environmental issues. This could take the form of a theoretical debate on the pros and cons of a specific perspec- tive, or panels that look at a single issue-area from different theoretical perspectives.

Other Suggested Topics

(3) the impact of trade agreements on environmental politics and policies (including the question of the maquiladoras);

(4) the benefits and pitfalls of the transfer of Western resource management models to other countries;

(5) oceans policy;

(6) the implementation of Agenda 21 and the impact of domestic politics upon international mandates (and vice-versa);

(7) solving practical environmental problems: what works and why?

(8) interdisciplinary subjects (e.g., natural scientists and political scientists debating the role of science in politics);

(9) critical evaluations of IGOs and NGOs;

(10) new dimensions in the study of environmental security; and

(11) explaining the foreign environmental policies of states.

Adams, W. Wasting The Rain: Rivers, People and Planning in Africa. University of Minnesota Press, 1992, 256p., $12.50.

Arizpe, Lourdes, Stone, M. & Major, David, (Eds.). Population and the Environment. Westview, 1994, 352p., $29.85.

Arntzen, J., Hemmer, I. & Kuik, O. International Trade and Sustainable Development. Paul & Company, 1995, 172p., $23.50.

Baden, John A. (ed.). Environmental Core: A Constructive Response to Earth in the Balance. Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy. 1994, 270p., $21.95.

Bergesen, Helge, et al. Implemenmting the European CO2 Commit- ment. Brookings, 1995, 50p., $10.95.

Borgese, et al (eds.). Ocean Yearbook 11. The University of Chicago Press, 1995, 600p., $77.00.

Bowvier, Leon, F. & Grant, Lindsey. How Many Americans: Popula- tion, Immigration and the Environment. Sierra Club Books, 1994, 174p., $18.00.

Boyle, A.E. Environmental Regulation and Economic Growth. Clarendon Press, 1994.

Brecher, J. and Costello, T. Global Village or Global Pillage. South End Press, 1995, $14.00.

Brown, Lester, R. & Kane, Hal. Full House: Reassessing the Earth’s Population Carrying Capacity. W.W. Norton, 1994, 261p., $8.95.

Burgemeier, Beat, (ed). Economy, Environment, and Technology: A Socioeconomic Approach. M.E. Sharpe, 1994, 218p., $35.00.

Chatterjee, Pertap, Finger, Matthias. The Earth Brokers. Rout- ledge, 1994, 208p., $16.95.

Colchester, M. and Lohmann, L. (eds.). The Struggle for Land and the Fate of the Forests. Zed Books, 1992, 256p., $17.50.

Coleman, Daniel A. Ecopolitics: Building a Green Society. Rut- gers University Press, 1994, 236p., $14.95.

Crosby, Alfred. Germs, Seeds, and Animals. M.E. Sharpe, 1994, 232p., $19.95.

Crystal, Jill. Oil and Politics in the Gulf. Cambridge, 248p., $14.36, 1995.

Darmstadter, Joel (ed). Global Development and the Environment: Perspectives on Sustainability. Resources For The Future, 1992, 92p., $9.95.

DeBardeleben, Joan, & Hannigan, John, (eds.). Environmental Security and Quality After Communism. Westview, 1994, 190p., $19.95.

Dwivedi, O. and Vajpeyi, D. (eds.). Environmental Policies in the Third World. Greenwood, 1995, 240p., $59.95.

Eggert, Roderick G. (ed). Mining and the Environment: Interna- tional Perspectives on Public Policy. Resources For The Future, 1994, 172p., $25.00.

Elliott, Jennifer, A. An Introduction to Sustainable Developmet: The Developing World. Routledge, 1994, 121p., $12.95.

Eltigani, E. (ed.). War and Drought in Sudan: Essays on Popula- tion Displacement. The Association of American University Presses, 1995, 114p., $23.96.

Fankhauser, Samuel. Valuing Climate Change. Island Press, 1994, 176p., $22.00.

Ferkiss, Victor. Nature, Technology, and Society. New York University Press, 1995.

Feshbach, Murray. Health and Environmental Degraduation in Rus- sia. Brookings, 1993, 88p., $8.95.

Fisher, William, (ed). Toward Sustainable Development? M.E. Sharpe, 1995, 481p., $49.00.

Fitzmaurice, John. Damming the Danube. Westview, 1995, 175p., $49.00.

Flaun, Christopher and Lenssen, Nicholas. Power Surge: Guide to the Coming Revolution. Norton, 1994, 382p., $10.95.

Gephing, Qu, and Jinchang, Li. Population and the Environment in China. Lynne Reiner, 1195, 216p., $36.00.

Hammond, Allen. Environmental Indicators. World Resources Institute, 50 1994, p., $14.95.
Hanisch, Ted, (ed.). Climate Change and the Agenda for Research. Westview, 1994, 223p., $45.00.

Hannigan, Joan and John, (eds.) Environmental Security and Quality After Communism. Westview, 1995, 188p., $19.95.

Hargreaves, David. World Index of Resources and Population. Association Book Exhibit, 1994, 417p., $119.96.

Hartmann, Betsy. Reproductive Rights and Wrongs. South End Press, , 1995, $18.00.

Heaton, George R., Banks, Darryl, and Ditz, Daryl. Missing Links. World Resources Institute, 1994, 52p., $12.95.

Hewett, Jonathan (ed.). The European Environmental Almanac 1994- 5. Island Press, 1994, 156p., $22.00.

Holl, Otmar, (ed.). Environmental Cooperation in Europe. West- view, 1994, 300p., $45.00.

Jasani, B. (ed.). Outer Space: A Source of Conflict or Coopera- tion? United Nations University Press, 1992, $35.00.

Jepma, C. Tropical Deforestation. Island Press, 1994, 256p., $28.00.

Keating, Michael. Agenda For Change. Centre for Our Common Future, 1995, $10.00.

Keen, David. The Benefits of Famine: A Political Economy of Famine and a Relief in Southeastern Sudan. The Association of American University Presses, 1994, 289p., $38.00.

Khazanov, A. Nomads and the Outside World. The Association of American University Presses, 1994, 382p., $14.80.

Litfin, Karen T. Ozone Discourse: Science and Politics in Global Environmental Cooperation. Columbia University Press, 1994, 296p., $40.00.

Lowi, Miriam. Water and Power. Cambridge, 1993, 310p., $54.95.

Luk, Shiu-hung, Whitney, Joseph, (eds.). Megaproject. M.E. Sharpe, 248p., 1992.

Lutz, Wolfgang, (ed.). The Future Population of the World. Island Press, 288p., 1994, 248p., $29.95.

McCutcheon, Sean. Electric Rivers. Paul & Company, 1995, &18.95.

McMichael, A.J. Planetary Overload: Global Environmental Change and the Health of the Human Species. Cambridge University Press, 352p., 1993, 250p., $16.95.

McMichael, Philip D. (ed). The Global Restructuring of Agro-Food Systems. Cornell University Press, 1995, 320p., $16.95.

Miller, Marian. The Third World in Global Environmental Plitics. Lynne Reinner Pub., 1995, 225p., $17.95

Mitchell, Ronald, B. Intentional Oil Pollution at Sea. The MIT Press, 1994, 260p., $34.95.

Murakami, Masahiro. Arid Zone Water Resources Planning for Peace Applications of Non-conventioanl Alternatives in the Middle East. United Nations University Press, 1995, $50.00.

Nagpal, T. and Foltz, C. (eds.). A World of Difference. World Resources Institute, 1995, 160p., $14.95.

Nishizawa, T. and Uitto, J. (eds.). The Fragile Tropics of Latin America. United Nations University Press, 1995, $35.00.

OECD. Environmental Indicators: OECD Core Set. OECD Publica- tions, 1994, 170p., $22.00.

Payoyo, Peter, (ed.). Ocean Governance: Sustainable Development of the Seas. United Nations University Press, 1994, 369p., $50.00.

Prendiville, Brendan. Environmental Politics in France. West- view, 1994, 190p., $49.95.

Princen, T. and Finger, M. Environmenetal NGOs in World Politics. Routledge, 1994, 272p., $16.95.

Pryde, Philip, (ed.). Environmental Resources and Constraints in the Former Soviet Republics. Westview, 1995, 364p., $59.85.

Rainbow, Stephen. Green Politics. Oxford, 1993, 106p., $21.60.

Razin, A. and Sadka, E. Population Economics. The MIT Press, 1995, 250p., $30.00.

Repetto, Robert. Environmental Regulation, Jobs, and U.S. Com- petitiveness. World Resources Institute, 1995, 40p., $12.95.

Repetto, Robert. “Second India” Revisted. World Resources Institute, 95 1994, p., $14.95.

Richardson, D. and Rootes, C. The Green Challenge. Routledge, 1994, 288p., $18.95.

Ringquist, Evan. Environmental Protection at the State Level. M.E. Sharpe, 1993, 256p., $25.95.

Roland et al (eds). Mega-City Growth and the Future. United Nations University Press, 1994, 544p., $43.00.

Salomon, et al (ed.). The Uncertain Quest Science, Technology and Development. United Nations University Press, 1994, 542p., $43.00.

Sarkar, Saral. Green-Alternative Politics in West Germany, Volume Two: The Greens. United Nations University Press, 1994, $30.00.

Smil, Vaclav. China’s Environmental Crisis. World Resoureces Institute, 1993, 280p., $20.95.

Smil, Vaclav. Energy in World History. Westview, 1994, 300p., $19.95.

Strong. Maurice. Environmental Management in Transnational Cor- porations Report on the Benchmark Corporate Environmental Survey. United Nations Environment Publications Catalogue, 1994, 265p., $29.95.

Swearingen, Will & Bencherifa, Abdellatif, (eds.). The North African Environment at Risk. Westview, 1995, 288p., $55.50.

Tierney, Patrick. Last Trees of El Dorado. Penquin, 448p., $24.95.

Toman, Michael A. (ed). Pollution Abatement Strategies in Central and Eastern Europe. Resources For The Future, 1994, 104p., $15.95.

Uvin, Peter. The International Organization of Hunger. Columbia University Press, 1994, 335p., $76.50.

Vail, David, Hasund, Knut Per, and Drake, Lars. The Greening of Agricultural Policy in Industrial Societies: Swedish Reforms in Comparative Perspective. Cornell University Press, 1995, 328p., $45.00.

Werksmann, Jacob, (ed.). Greening International Institutions. Island Press, 1995, 288p., $35.00.

Wintle, M. and Reeve, R. (eds.). Rhetoric and Reality in Environmental Policy. Avebury, 1994, 154p., $55.95.

Woodwell, George. Global Warming and International Law. Island Press, 1995, 450p., $29.95.

Young, Oran R. International Governance: Protecting the Environ- ment in a Stateless Society. Cornell University Press, 1994, 224p., $13.95.

Young, Richard. Healing The Earth: A Theocentric Perspective on Environmental Problems and their Solutions. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1994.

Zwi, Joanna and Anthony, (eds). War and Hunger: Rethinking International Responses and Complex Emergencies. Humanities Press International, Inc., 1994, 241p., $12.00.

Duke University, Durham NC, USA
June 1-3, 1995

International Institutions and Global Environmental Change Scientific Analysis, Perceptions, and Decision-Making Property Rights and Global Environmental Change Industrial Restructuring and Sustainable Development Land Use/Cover Modeling and Analysis Human Migration and Global Environmental Change

The first open meeting of the human dimensions community will be held at Duke University, Durham NC USA on Thursday-Saturday June 1-3, 1995. This meeting is sponsored by the Social Science Research Council and its Committee for Research on Global Environmental Change; the Human Dimensions Programme of the International Social Science Council; the Consortium for Interna- tional Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN); and the Duke University School of the Environment.

The purpose of the meeting is to bring together the growing human dimensions community to promote exchanges of

information on current research, teaching and outreach, to encourage networking in this new field, and to attract social scientists, humanists and others not previously involved in human dimensions work. There will be special plenary sessions on lead- ing issues in the human dimensions of global environmental change including: international institutions and global environmental change; scientific analysis, perceptions, and decision-making; property rights and global environmental change; industrial restructuring and sustainable development; land use/cover modell- ing and analysis; and human migration and global environmental change.

The meeting will include additional round-table discussions on human dimensions research and teaching, and modelling and publications displays. Those wishing to organize multi-paper ses- sions for the conference on the plenary topics or other topics at local, regional and global scales are urged to communicate with the organizers; final proposals for such sessions are due by December 1, 1994.

To receive the latest conference, registration, and accommoda- tions information via e-mail, send the following request message to: (no subject is necessary), with the com- mands on separate lines: open (enter) cd kiosk (enter) get hdmeeting (enter) quit (enter). For additional information on the conference please contact: Global Environmen- tal Change Program, Social Science Research Council, 605 Third Avenue, New York NY USA 10158;
telephone 212/661-0280;
fax 212/370-7896;internet or