Nature Sustainability – consider submitting your article!
Nature Sustainability Launched in January 2018, Nature Sustainability will publish research contributing to a deep understanding of the ways in which we organize our lives in a finite world and the multiple impacts our actions…
Fifth edition of Global Gender Politics by ESS author Anne Sisson Runyan
Runyan, A.S. (Forthcoming 2019). Global gender politics. New York, NY: Routledge. Global Gender Politics analyzes the gendered divisions of power, labor, and resources that contribute to the global crises of representation, violence, and sustainability.…
New Routledge book by ESS author Judith Nora Hardt
Hardt, J.N. (2018). Environmental security in the Anthropocene: Assessing theory and practice. New York, NY: Routledge. Read the full post (197 words, 1 image)
New book from Fuzuo Wu from Aalborg University, Denmark
Wu, F. (2018). Energy and climate policies in China and India: A two-level comparative study. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. The book explores the proactive and reactive features of China and India’s domestic…
Green Keynesianism and the global financial crisis by ESS author Kyla Tienhaara
Tienhaara, K. (2018). Green Keynesianism and the global financial crisis. New York, NY: Routledge. It is widely accepted that limiting climate change to 2°C will require substantial and sustained investments in low-carbon technologies…
Recent journal articles by ESS of ISA members – fourth quarter 2018
Here is a list of some recent articles by ESS of ISA authors and members that you might like to read – from a number of different journals in our fields of study!…