ISA conference,  News

Important message from your Section and Program Chair and Program Chair on Membership!

Leadership team 2017Dear Colleagues,
It was lovely to see so many of you at ISA in San Francisco last week.
We are writing to let you know that the application deadline for ISA 2019 in Toronto will be June 1, 2018. The online submission process is expected to open on April 17, 2018. Travel grant applications will be due September 3, 2018.
Also, ISA determines the Environmental Studies Section panel allocation for 2019 on the basis of three factors, each weighted equally: (1) number of members we have as of June 1, 2018; (2) number of proposals that list us as their 1st choice; and (3) the number of panels we had in 2018.
If your membership needs renewal and you’re willing to do that before June 1, we would be grateful. Also, please consider listing us first in your submissions if it makes sense to do so. You can signal to me which sections would be ideal co-sponsors by listing them second and I will reach out to those sections when assembling the program.
Many thanks and see many of you in Toronto in 2019!
Sikina (program chair) and Fari (section chair)