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New book by Scobie: Global environmental governance and small states: Architectures and agency in the Caribbean.

Michelle Scobie: Global environmental governance and small states: Architectures and agency in the Caribbean.

Scobie, M. (2019). Global environmental governance and small states: Architectures and agency in the Caribbean. New Horizons in Environmental Politics series. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

The book is an in depth analysis of global environmental governance and Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the context of transformative environmental change in the Anthropocene. It explains how and where regional and local economic, geophysical and historical contexts and scales interact with global environmental governance actors, norms, regimes and architectures to determine the nature of SIDS’ environmental policy and governance arrangements particularly in the areas of climate change, tourism, marine governance, energy security, cultural heritage and trade.

Book’s key contributions:

  • Study of global environmental governance in the Anthropocene and Caribbean Small Island Developing States
  • Analysis of environmental norm penetration and contestation within local economic, social, historical, geophysical and development contexts
  • Analysis of the relevance of scale, size, power in global and regional environmental governance and politics
  • Impact of non-state actors and new forms and forums of governance on environmental policy and outcomes in SIDS, particularly in the areas of climate change, tourism, marine governance, energy security, cultural heritage and trade
  • Small states perspectives on international environmental politics and governance of climate change, tourism, marine governance, energy security, cultural heritage and trade