
Message from the Section Chair

Dear ESS Members:
I hope this message finds you in good spirits and looking forward to summer. For those of you who made it to San Diego, I assume you had a fine time despite the peculiar venue. For those who were unable to come, I presume we will see you next year in Chicago (brrr1). The minutes of the ESS Business meeting are available online, including a list of Sprout Award nominees. A few additional points:

  1. If you have not paid your membership dues lately, I encourage you to re-up. Don’t forget to tick off membership in the Section;
  2. We are looking for paper and panel proposals for Chicago (very few were offered at the Business Meeting this year). You can find information about the conference theme at If you have a panel idea but few or no participants, please send a title or abstract to me, and I will see that the it gets sent out to the section.
  3. The Executive Committee is seeking the names of those who might like to be members of the sections’ “Encyclopedia” committee. See the minutes for more details of the project.
  4. We are also interested in ideas for enhancing the size of the Section’s account.

All the best,
Ronnie Lipschutz
ESS Section Chair