Nominations for Section Offices Sought
The Nominations Committee of the Environmental Studies Section invites nominations for a number of Section Offices. Self-nominations are welcome. Please ensure that the person you are nominating is willing to stand for election and do provide us with her/his professional affiliation and full contact information. The Committee will contact the nominated colleagues to request short biographical sketches (100-150 words). Send nominations to any of the current members of the Nominations Committee by February 1, 2010: Erika Weinthal (weinthal [at]; Frank Biermann (frank.biermann [at]; David Downid (ddownie [at]; and Hans Bruyninckx (hans.bruyninckx [at]
The Committee is seeking nominations for the following positions:
- Vice Chair (2 year term)
- 3 Executive Committee Members (2 year terms)
- 2 Nomination Committee Members (2 year terms)
- 2 Sprout Award Committee Members (2 year terms)