Officers 2021
Officers 2021
Interim Chair: Kate O’Neill (2022), University of California Berkeley
Vice-Chair: Prakash Kashwan (2023), University of Connecticut
The Executive Committee consists of the Chair and Vice-Chair, plus six other members, each elected for a two-year term. One half of the general members are elected at the annual meeting each year. The Executive Committee appoints from within itself the office of secretary; appoints committees, the section newsletter editor and webmaster; enacts budgets and dues; sets rules and tentative agenda for the annual meeting of members; decides on the recipients of the section’s distinguished scholar award and graduate paper award; and conducts the business of the section at times between the annual meetings of members.
- Benjamin Cashore (2022), National University of Singapore
- Teresa Kramarz (2022), University of Toronto
- Elizabeth Mendenhall (2022), University of Rhode Island
- Elizabeth Nyman (2023), Texas A&M University Galveston
- Kemi Fuentes-Georges (2023), Middlebury College
- Mark Purdon (2023), Université du Québec à Montréal
The Nominating Committee has four members, including at least one member from outside the Executive Committee, each elected for two-year terms. One half of the members are elected at the annual meeting each year. The Chairperson is an ex-officio member of the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee seeks to ensure a slate representative reflecting the diversity within the section, including various disciplines, intellectual and methodological stances, ages and sexes, institutions, and geographic locations. It solicits nominations from the section membership by e-mail and presents to the membership by e-mail for a vote the names of one or more nominees for each vacant position at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting. Those who have not voted by e-mail may vote in person at the annual meeting.
- Pichamon Yeophantong (2022), UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defense Force Academy
- Nathan Lemphers (2022), University of Toronto
- Jennifer Allan (2023), Cardiff University
- Amy Janzwood (2023), University of Toronto
The Harold and Margaret Sprout Award Committee consists of five members, three of whom are elected in a given year and two of whom are elected in the alternate year. The Committee selects its own chair. It is responsible for selecting the annual winner of the Harold and Margaret Sprout Award for the best book in global environmental politics.
- Raul Pacheco-Vega (2023), Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) México (Chair)
- McKenzie Johnson (2022), University of Illinois
- Hamish van der Ven (2022), McGill University
- Miriam Janina Prys-Hansen (2023), German Institute of Global and Area Studies
- Manjana Milkoreit (2023), University of Oslo
The Outreach Committee has four officers, serving two-year terms. It is responsible for getting the word out about ISA-ESS to a broader audience. In particular, it seeks ensure that graduate students, junior scholars, and scholars from underrepresented populations are aware of and find benefit from becoming a part of the ESS. The committee is tasked with regularly reaching out to groups of people who might not know about or be active in ESS to provide information about the benefits of participating. In addition, the committee seeks to augment those benefits, by creating events, activities, and services (such as special panels or other events at conferences or during the year) focused on mentoring and provision of other information or opportunities to a broad community of ESS-related scholars and teachers. The committee also solicits and considers requests for whatever ESS budget is allocated to conduct ESS events at conferences outside of the main ISA conference, with an eye toward raising the profile of ESS.
- Philip Schleifer (2022), University of Amsterdam
- Marielle Papin (2022), Laval University
- Lily Hsueh (2023), Arizona State University
- Janina Grabs (2023), ETH Zurich